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 What Effective Leaders Do 

Effective leaders get results.

Whatever your business, you need to get results – sales, profit, referrals, happy and repeat customers, growth – whatever results and business outcomes you’re chasing… and it’s your team that will deliver the results for you.


If you can consistently get the very best from your people you’re well on your way to getting the results you’re looking for.  Of course there are plenty of other things you need to think about and deal with in your business, but getting your people in step, and performing to their maximum capability is a foundation that every successful business needs.


To develop your people and build a team of consistently high performers, consider looking at your role as a frontline leader across just three key areas:

1.  One on One Relationships with each team member

Each of your team members is different, and even though they might have similar roles and responsibilities, they are very much individuals.


Accordingly, leaders must regard each as an individual, respect their differences (and similarities) and work to understand their strengths, weaknesses, capabilities, ambitions, opportunities and motivation.

2.  Consistent Role Modelling – Leading the Way

Your every action and behaviour impacts on, and significantly influences, those you lead.  As a frontline leader you need to be acutely aware of the messages you send by your actions and behaviours.


What you do and how you do it says a lot about you, how you think about things and what’s important to you.  Walk the talk.

3.  Building a Powerful Team Dynamic

A cohesive team dynamic is essential to drive performance.  Bringing your team together on a regular basis for a variety of activities is important to ensure communication across your team is fluid.


It’s an opportunity to share best practice, understand what everyone else is doing and understand how each team member sits within the team.

Identifying actions and behaviours that bring each of these three elements to life in your business will set you up for more effective leadership.

Take action now:                                           

Download the worksheet form to identify and record the actions and behaviours you consider important to bring your leadership to life.



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